Fifth Annual Patriotic Parade - May 24, 2025 - 10am Omaha’s Old Market

Special Parade Guests: Pat Boone & Ann-Margret

Parade travels west from 10th & Jackson to 14th, north to Howard, east to 10th and south to Jackson.

Memorial Day Ceremony - May 26, 2025 - 10am Omaha’s Memorial Park

  • 8:00am - 9:30am - Free pancakes served by Anchor Corps volunteers

  • 9:45am - Skydivers

  • 10:00am - Ceremony with historical reenactors; seating under a covered tent

  • The National Remembering Our Fallen Tribute Towers representing America’s post-9/11 military Fallen and Flanders Field of Flags representing all of America’s Fallen will be on site May 23-May 26.


Try to Imagine…

what it must have been like for over 150,000 troops from America and 12 allied nations as they carried out Operation Overlord on that morning - June 6, 1944 - when the winds were strong and the seas were rough. We must remember.

Our sincerest appreciation to those who made this Remembrance Ceremony so special.


Fourth Annual Patriotic Parade - May 25, 2024



Patriotism was alive and well on a beautiful spring day in downtown Omaha, as thousands lined the streets in the Old Market. Over 100 parade entries lined up near ConAgra with Fort Riley’s Commanding General’s Mounted Color Guard, riderless black horse, Purple Heart and Tomb of the Unknown leading the way. Following them were the Gold Star families, Veterans, and Police. The Parade had a distinct historical element with banners announcing each era of our Nation’s history, and filling in behind each banner were children in costumes, re-enactors, military vehicles, wagons, cars, and more representing each era.

It was standing-room only for a crowd of 1,200 people who pressed in to hear Riley Gaines share her story of perseverance and courage, along with other speakers: Senator Pete Ricketts, Nebr Senator Kathleen Kauth, Professor Greg Brown, Governor Jim Pillen (NE), Carol Frost, 1967 PanAm Games Gold Medalist, Jordy Bahl, UNL Softball, all emceed by Scott Voorhees of KFAB Radio.

When Riley was forced to compete with a male swimmer, it became her call to action. Will Thomas aka Lia Thomas self-identified as a woman, but had not yet had transgender surgery at the time he swam against Riley and other women.

Males should not share restrooms or locker rooms with females & they should not be allowed to compete against them.

AUGUST 27, 2023



70th Anniversary Ceremony to Commemorate the Signing of Korean Armistice Agreement - July 29, 2023

Omaha’s Memorial Park was the site for a beautiful event to honor our Nation’s Veterans who served in “The Forgotten War.”

Retired Captain C. R. “Rex” Gruber of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and Don Kane, both “young” 92-year-old combat veterans of the Korean War shared their experiences, along with Dr. Carolyn Manhart, whose Korean-born parents immigrated to the United States after the Korean War.  A Korean Womens Ensemble sang “ARIRANG,” a Korean folk song. The Greg Spevak Orchestra entertained before and after, and Bill Johnson aka Bob Hope was excellent at bringing back many memories of a very popular USO entertainer.

Our thanks to the following sponsors: Ted & Colleen Hubbard, Sandhills Global, Mutual of Omaha, The Ford Dealers Association, Renze Display Company and HyVee!

The Korean War lasted three years, and at times, was fought in -35 degree weather. Our Nation lost over 40,000 troops and 100,000 more were wounded, while over 7,800 remain missing in action.




The Patriotic Parade began with Lee Greenwood singing the National Anthem at 12th & Jackson in Downtown Omaha. The parade then moved East to 10th Street, and turned South to The Durham Museum, where a Patriotic Concert was held following the parade. The Patriotic Concert included: Lee Greenwood singing “God Bless the USA,” Camille Metoyer-Moten performing “American Anthem,” the Omaha Symphonic Chorus and Grateful Heart singing selections of patriotic music. Master of Ceremonies was Hal Daub, Army Veteran, former Omaha Mayor and U.S. Congressman.

BACK THE BLUE II -October 25, 2020 Eagle Raceway, Eagle, Nebraska

In spite of freezing temps, a small crowd gathered to show support of law enforcement while others watched the program from the comfort of their homes, thanks to News Channel Nebraska.

Highlights included Lee Greenwood singing the National Anthem and “God Bless the USA,” and Steve Spurgeon singing “Wake Up in the USA.” Speakers included: Reverend Steve Thomlison, Former FBI & Nebraska State Patrol Chaplain; Hal Daub, Former Congressman, Omaha Mayor & Past Regent; Officer Briana Gaston of the Lincoln Police Department; Ben Wormington, USMC Iraq Combat Veteran; Paul Orduna, Former Federal Agent, and his wife, Sharon Orduna; Dr. Jaime Seeman, Mrs. Nebraska 2020 and wife of a Lincoln Police Officer; and Steve Yost, Music Director, Christ Community Church who led everyone in singing God Bless America. The 50-minute program was emceed by Bud Synhorst of Lincoln.

A PATRIOTIC message from Coach Lou Holtz:

BACK THE BLUE - July 11, 2020 Omaha’s Memorial Park


2013 to 2017

The American Spirit Summit is an annual speaker series presented to citizens and students in the greater Omaha area. Its purpose is to highlight those people who've overcome tremendous adversity in their lives and to provide teenagers and adults alike with positive role models and examples of perseverance.

5th Annual American Spirit Summit

September 1, 2017


Guest speakers at this year’s summit talked to students about their own perseverance, encouraging the students to endure:

Mark LeFlore, Manager, Douglas County Youth Center, Dr. Tom Osborne, and Attorney General Doug Peterson

4th Annual American Spirit Summit

September 2, 2016


Mark & Joni Adler shared their journey of losing their son, Reid, who took his own life January 7, 2016. Reid was a victim of intimidation and bullying, a situation his parents knew nothing about until after his passing. They challenged students to spread hope and kindness and to stand up for each other and not allow bullying or inappropriate treatment between students.

SgtMaj Brad Kasal, an Iowa native, is a USMC legend. He is a Navy Cross recipient for his extraordinary heroism in Iraq in 2004. He was severely wounded in the Battle for Fallujah, losing 60% of his blood after being shot.

Teri Roberts has determination to deal with devastation. She’s done it every day since 8-21-13 - the night deputies found her daughter, Andrea Kruger, murdered near 168 & Fort Street in Omaha. Fifteen months later, Teri was hospitalized with what she thought was a bad case of the flu. Her entire body had shut down from an infection and she was in a coma for 12 days. When she woke up, she found that her hands & feet had been amputated due to gangrene. She is an example of perseverance.

3rd Annual American Spirit Summit

September 4, 2015


2nd Annual American Spirit Summit

September 4, 2014


SgtMaj Brad Kasal is a Marine Corps legend. An Iowa native, he is a Navy Cross recipient for his extraordinary heroism in Iraq in 2004. He was severely wounded in the Battle for Fallujah, losing nearly 60% of his blood.


Taylor Morris is a former Navy EOD Tech who was injured by an IED in Afghanistan in 2012. He sustained injuries to all four limbs, losing both legs, his left arm and his right hand. His story is one of inspiration and courage.


1st Annual American Spirit Summit

August 22, 2013


Staff Sergeant Bobby Henline, Army veteran from San Antonio, was severely burned in Iraq by an IED explosion that killed every other person in his vehicle. He is now a stand-up comedian and motivational speaker. He says his time in Iraq was "a real blast."

Staff Sergeant Tim Chambers is the "Saluting Marine". Each year, he holds a salute for hours at Rolling Thunder in Washington D.C. He's also been recognized by the Secretary of the Navy for rushing into the Pentagon on 9/11 after the attack. He hopes to strengthen the bonds of mankind through a spirit of patriotism and volunteerism.



January 18, 2013

On March 30, 1981, an attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan (just 69 days into his Presidency) occurred outside the Washington Hilton hotel.  Suffering a punctured lung and heavy internal bleeding, most people never knew how close to death President Reagan actually was. Dr. Benjamin Aaron was a surgeon in the U.S. Navy for 22 years and the head of George Washington University Hospital's cardiovascular and thoracic unit when Reagan was shot.  Dr. Aaron ultimately made the decision to operate on President Reagan when the bleeding from the President's chest would not stop. Dr. Aaron is credited with saving the President's life.



July 23, 2012

Colonel "Bud" Day shared his unbelievable story of survival at one of the world's most notorious prisons, "Hanoi Hilton," in North Vietnam.  Bud Day enlisted in the USMC and served 30 months in the Pacific during WWII. He was later trained as a pilot and served two tours flying a fighter-bomber during the Korean War. 

Colonel Day volunteered for a tour in Vietnam in April 1967.  On August 26, 1967, he was flying an F-100F in an air strike against a surface-to-air missile, 20 miles north of the DMZ in North Vietnam. He was on his 65th mission into North Vietnam when anti-aircraft fire crippled his aircraft and forced the crew to eject. Day was quickly captured by the North Vietnamese, escaped, and captured again to remain a prisoner of war and cellmate of John McCain. Held captive for five years and seven months, Day was repeatedly tortured, beaten and starved, until his release on March 14, 1973.  Three years later, President Ford awarded Colonel Day the Medal of Honor for his personal bravery while a captive in North Vietnam. 

Sadly, Colonel Day passed away July 27, 2013. He was one of our nation’s most highly decorated servicemen, who died in his wife’s arms after a long illness. Senator John McCain said, “Bud Day was the bravest man I ever knew.”



January 15, 2011

These five Medal of Honor recipients were guests at Strategic Air & Space Museum in January, 2011. (L-R) Capt. Thomas J. Hudner, Jr. (Ret.) USN, Korea; SGT Peter C. Lemon, (Ret.) US Army, Vietnam; Staff SSG Salvatore Giunta, US Army, Afghanistan; CWO Hershel "Woody" Williams (Ret.) USMC, World War II; COL Don "Doc" Ballard, (Ret.) US Army, Vietnam.

Below L-R: Hudner, Lemon, Giunta, Williams & Ballard



November 5, 2010

This event escorted a select group of Marine veterans to Washington, DC to see the Marine Corps War Memorial and the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, VA.



April 16, 2010

Bataan Death March Survivor

Colonel Glenn D. Frazier (Ret.) U. S. Army, spoke about his three and a half years of experiences as a Bataan Death March Survivor and "guest" of the Emperor of Japan (P.O.W.). His remarkable journey is one of pain, suffering and finally, forgiveness.

Colonel Frazier also told his story in his book: “Hell’s Guest.”



March 26, 2010

5th Div. 28th Mar. Easy Company

(L-R) William Wayne, USMC, 1944-1946, Purple Heart Recipient; Robert Galloway, USMC, Purple Heart Recipient; Colonel Dave Severance, USMC, Captain of the 5th Marine Division, 28th Regiment, Easy Company, Silver Star Recipient Ralph Griffiths, USMC, served with all six Flag Raisers; Wounded by same shell that killed Flag Raisers Mike Strank and Harlon Block, Purple Heart Recipient; Melvin Duncan, USMC; John Scheperle, USMC, Purple Heart Recipient


December 4, 2009

In December 2009, six of the members of the Band of Brothers came together, including Omaha’s own Eddie Mauser. The event was a huge success, drawing 1,500 people.

Pictured are (L-R): Buck Compton, Ed Mauser, Don Malarkey, Earl "One-Lung" McClung, Ed Tipper and Babe Heffron.